A bed is like an Island
Keywords: Bed, Feminity, Motherhood, Loneliness, Island, Family, life stages
It is about a blue expressive bed
Un lit un objet personnel intime, le dernier lieu privé dans un espace partagé; une Ile? Il ne sert pas simplement poour dormir, Enfant il grandit avec vous, puis lorsque l'on grandit on le partage mais lors d'une séparation il y a perte du lit; on ne veut plus dormir dans l'ancien lit, ON SE RETROUVE SANS LIT;
Where did it come from?
It was bought second hand at salvation army when I arrived in Brussels w/ my family quite much in emergency after a painfull separation. I needed such a bed.
Where is it now
When I moved to a more permanent set up I would not keep the bed, but we started the ruelles project. We needed a bed, because "La Ruelle" est l'espace entre le lit et la muraille ou se tenaient les visiteurs qui venaient échanger avec les [précieuses][1] recevant alité
Where is it going
Someone asked for the bed, because she needed such an expressive bed, and we discussed her philosophy of bed in women's mother wifes and after parcours wich I most of the time shared in my own path as a women mother wife and after. I will retranscribe our conversation here tot the best of my understanding